

Ama Frimpong的职业生涯一直在走向成功, from innovating and designing new products to winning the 新萄新京十大正规网站’s Young Woman Engineer of the Year award in 2022, but now Ama is trying to use her skillset to help others and share knowledge.

Ama目前担任52 North Health Ltd .的产品开发主管, an organisation that creates affordable and cutting-edge technologies that bring healthcare closer to patients.

对于Ama来说,没有哪两天是相同的,因为她要平衡设计工作, 分析数据和测试产品, 同时保持与同事和网络的关系.

然而, Ama’s journey into STEM started during childhood where an interest quickly turned into a passion that would carry her into a diverse and rewarding career.

“As a child I always liked making things and enjoyed playing with toys that required quite a lot of building, 组合和构建, but it was actually my dad that helped to spark my interest in engineering as we would fix washing machines together, 修理微波炉,修理汽车. I also gained a lot of street cred in sixth form for being the only one who was able to change a tyre so was called on to do that a couple of times!”

Originally Ama planned on becoming a medical doctor but once she stumbled across medical engineering, she realised that her love of medicine could be combined with her ability to innovate and turn ideas into reality.


With her mind set on what she wanted to do and a natural ability for development, Ama decided to study Biomedical Materials Science at the University of Nottingham, 随后在萨里大学获得生物医学工程硕士学位.

Ama also understood how important getting hands on experience would be as she looked to progress towards studying for a PhD.

“我在遗传学实验室做过很多实习工作, 致力于腹腔镜的发展, 设备开发和一些研究工作.”

同时在利兹大学完成博士学位, Ama realised that she wanted to be able to focus on product development as well as grow her skills as a multi-disciplinary engineer, 决定进入咨询行业是最好的选择.

“I went into consulting where I was able to get my hands into lots of different projects and across a wide range of areas from inhalers and respiratory devices to hospital equipment and devices and implants.”

Although finding her first consulting role wasn’t as straightforward as she hoped when finding out where to apply proved a challenge. Ama was able to find her answer with help from the 新萄新京十大正规网站’s community of young professionals where she met people from Frazer-Nash and Arup who were able to explain more about the world of consulting and give Ama a clear sense of where to apply.


在咨询业工作了一段时间之后, Ama decided that she wanted to focus on getting products to market and joined 52 North Health where she works to this day. Ama’s role enabled her to work directly on products that she knows will change people’s lives for the better.

“We’re developing a product called Neutrocheck to provide people undergoing chemotherapy and immunosuppressive therapies with a device that helps identify their risk of a life-threatening condition called neutropenic sepsis. I spend most of my time in medical engineering as my love and passion lies in healthcare.”

Ama’s determination to give back to others isn’t just focused on healthcare as she also gives up her time to volunteer and work with organisations in her community.

“我志愿为那些致力于改善他人的组织服务, 不管是像我这样的少数民族, 或者只是针对各行各业的年轻人. 我也指导过很多人, 无论是正式的还是非正式的, helping people navigate their career choices and career related questions and answers.”


Deciding on what professional engineering institution to join can be a tough decision, 尤其是对于像阿玛这样多才多艺的人来说. 然而, in the end it was the people that made her decide the 新萄新京十大正规网站 was her professional home.

“我申请成为新萄新京十大正规网站是因为这里有人脉, and I knew that to succeed I wanted to be surrounded by people who have similar experiences or similar trajectories. I also wanted to attend events and seminars as well as being able to apply for Chartership.”

同时与其他新萄新京十大正规网站成员建立联系, it is also the access to information and knowledge that allows Ama to benefit from being an 新萄新京十大正规网站 member.

“There’s no shortage of information and there are lots of libraries and open access areas and journals which I use in my day-to-day work. 如果我正在探索一个我不熟悉的新领域或领域, 可能在图书馆或网上的某个地方有信息.tv. 我也看我的E+T杂志, which gives me information about what’s happening in the world of engineering on a regular basis.”

尽管有着令人兴奋和成功的事业, there are still challenges that Ama has had to deal with and having the 新萄新京十大正规网站 to support her has made a world of difference.

“My 新萄新京十大正规网站 membership has helped me overcome challenges in my role and career and given me this new professional family where I can reach out to people and ask questions. That is really invaluable because journeys can be lonely in different ways and being able to have a network that you can reach out to has been really helpful. 我也能从他们的经验中学到东西.”

现在她有了自己的事业和机构,感觉就像在家里一样, Ama plans to continue her mission of developing new products that benefit others and prevent life-threatening illnesses.

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